Frequently Used Custom Properties in vRealize Automation (vCAC)

Trudging along, installing and configuring vCAC at a customer, and I keep forgetting half of the custom properties that I need to accomplish my mission.

I figured that if I always have to keep in referring to the documentation to get the actual names for various elements, I can't be the only one.

So, I figured I'd post the most frequently used vCAC / vRA Custom Properties during a regular configuration in this post, even if it's for my own use.

Custom Property Description / Type
VirtualMachine.CDROM.Attach Boolean - True / False
VirtualMachine.Admin.ThinProvision Boolean - True / False
VirtualMachine.NetworkN.ProfileName Name of the Network Profile from which to assign IP Addresses etc,
where N is the index of the NIC in the zero-based array.
VirtualMachine.Admin.UseGuestAgent Boolean - True / False
VirtualMachine.DiskN.Size Size of the Disk in Gigabytes, where N is the
index of the disk in the zero-based array.
VMware.VirtualCenter.OperatingSystem The vCenter SDK identifier for Operating Systems.
Check my previous post for most information on this value.
VMware.VirtualCenter.Folder The Folder Name (in vCenter) in which to provision VMs.
If this folder does not exist, vCAC will create it.
Hostname Set this to "Prompt User" to ensure that the user enters a name for the VM when requesting.